You Have the Control Electronic Records Management System systematically covers the management and archiving of records. Quality policies and goals of companies as well as complicated technical documents cause an intense paperwork and documentation traffic within companies. Within such an intense traffic, the current status of content, validity and revision of documents go unnoticed and cause problems. ERMS system, which has been developed in order to eliminate such mistakes, ensures that you assure document accessibility as the entire documentation management is computerized. ERMS allows both internal correspondences between departments and also external correspondences with other public institutions to be carried out on computer media.
- Standardization of correspondences,
- Shortened periods of referral, signature and approval,
- Saving labor, time and stationery equipment,
- Archiving correspondences in a healthy manner are aimed for.
- Management of all records/documents systematically (based on TS 13298),
- Dynamic digital archiving and efficiently accessing any document,
- Save paper and time,
- High profitability in the long term,
- Elimination of security and storage issues emerging from human and environment related deficiencies,
- Traceable, transparent and democratic business management,
- Elimination of needs for a growing physical environment to maintain an archive. High financial savings in the short term,
- Protecting corporate resources,
- Having a modern management understanding with e-signature technology,
- Status tracking during document circulation.
Access control and security
- Access authorizations can be given for documents, folders and serial areas while system can be accessed based on IP, user and mac address,
- Captcha/image authentication function, user of IP block in incorrect logins, maximum incorrect login control, password security level and session timeout period identification include extensive security measures.
- Digital archive and file classification plan management,
- Organizational structure and user management,
- Turkish Trust Organization TUBITAK approved e-signature, initials and time stamp support,
- Graphical detailed reporting,
- Retention plan management,
- Electronic document recording procedures,
- Improved transfer alternatives,
- Access control and security,
- Superior search motor,
- Work flow design and management,
- E-mail integration,
- Detached signature technology,
- Internal rich text editor,
- Improved imaging tool supporting known file formats,
- Warning system,
- Proxy system,
- Agenda module.
AKGUN ERMS Benefits:
- It can communicate documents to the correct person with defined workflow paths,
- It can receive and send documents on a 24-7 basis,
- Document status can be tracked during circulation,
- Documents can be rapidly filed and archived,
- Documents can be accessed by pressing a single key according to various search criteria based on authorization levels,
- It provides access to the same document from multiple locations,
- It can define the initialization process for distribution and circulation of documents,
- It can distribute documents to multiple stakeholders simultaneously with a single key,
- It can give proxy to someone to carry out the tasks when we are on the leave or if a night system is available at the department,
- Staff performance can be evaluated by controlling pending and proceeded documents,
- It provides document access and inaccessibility safety,
- With the introduction of digital signature, a future paper-free office is possible thanks to official correspondences and file transfers on computer,
- Digital signature allows not only internal but also external correspondences to be carried out on computer.