FAST improvement in technology has ALSO triggered the improvement of communication in parallel.
Mobile phones have become essential in life despite their recent introduction.
SMS system, which was first introduced with the initial models of mobile phones, still continues to exist as a service that is definitely used by almost all users.
Although latest smart phones have offered other communication tools such as e-mails, which are easily accessible in daily life, SMS still keeps its leading place in popularity.
A statistical survey indicates that the rate of read e-mails is 22% as opposed to a 98% of read SMS. Furthermore, considering the fact that not all users have smart phones, short messages greatly outscore other communication tools.
Therefore, AKGUN SOFTWARE has developed Collective SMS Sending System in order to meet your rapid communication needs. Thanks to Collective SMS Sending System;
  •  You can send information messages to directors, staff members and other people you set,
  •  With group feature, you can send periodical text messages by pressing a single key without having to reselect people over and over again,
  •  In addition to sending collective text messages, you can also send a single text message to any individuals you would like,
  •  You can send automatic celebration messages to desired staff for special days such as birthdays and marriage anniversaries as well as Doctor’s Day and Nurses Day. Moreover you can keep these messages defined as templates,
  •  You can send reminder messages to participants before meetings,
  •  You can send appointment confirmation messages to appointment applicants with recorded phone number. You can send reminder messages to clients/people a predefined amount of time before the appointment,
  •  You can send and receive various statistical information defined on the system anytime,
  •  You can ensure that messages are sent on the desired date and time thanks to the timer screen,
  •  You can monitor the status of sent messages (delivered/pending) with log screen.
Thanks to Collective SMS Sending System;
  •  For increased security, you can prevent user from logging in without entering the security code sent to the mobile phone of the user,
  •  Besides, you can send all of the important information (latest backup date, remaining space in disc, etc.) used in your organization to the people you choose with SMS,
  •  Not only registered people but also the ones who are not registered can be added into groups,
  •  Manual SMS can be sent thought the system as well,
  •  It is possible to send text messages by using SMS templates,
  •  The text body and time of text messages can be rearranged, activated and deactivated.
  •  Detailed information about message delivery can be seen; such as sending status, sent text body, receiver, the ones who received, the ones who did not receive the text message and the reasons of non-delivery,
  •  Failed text messages can be resent without need of opening a new SMS box,
  •  The feature to print out detailed reports for sent text messages has been included,
  •  SMS service API is also available to be integrated on HIMS.