What is IoT (Internet of Things)?

The Internet of Things is defined as a widespread worldwide network of uniquely addressable objects and the interaction of objects on this network with a specific protocol.

It is also possible to define this concept as a system of devices that have established a smart network by communicating with each other and sharing information through various communication protocols.

Which Devices Are Connected To Each Other?

When it comes to the Internet of Things, it is wrong to understand only the devices as connecting to the internet. It is also within the concept that RFID-like sensors and identifiers generate information with some devices.

When equipped with objects, sensors and electronic circuits, they acquire the skills to contact people and update their status information. With the development of mobile networks and the Internet, these objects became easier to communicate with people. In addition, with these developments, people also had the opportunity to observe and control them from anywhere, anytime. In the coming years, we will enter a period in which interaction and the internet will enter almost every object and different objects will act for common purposes.

Scope of application

IoT has become the transformation technology for many areas today by creating design innovation with new digital and smart production technologies. The Internet of Things within the supply chain has a wide range of applications from industrial automation, healthcare, building and home automation to transportation and public services.

Some examples of application areas are given below.
  • Smart health applications
  • Smart city applications
  • Smart environment applications
  • Smart home applications
  • Supply applications
  • Smart livestock applications